My latest piece of writing (still in progress) accepting comments and suggestions UPDATE
I kick down the door of yet another abandoned house. Looking around I notice that the previous owner must have already taken most of the essential supplies. However digging through the cabinets I am luck enough to find a few small canned goods. My next meal. After scavenging a few various odds and ends I make a small fire to heat some of the cans. I slowly eat the cans of peas and peaches and saver each and every spoon full. With the fire out and my stomach as full as I was able to get it at the moment, I washed down my meal with some of the little water I had, blocked the door as best I could and quickly fell into deep but short sleep.
I was awakened by a ray of sunlight shining right into my eye through a hole in the ceiling. I slung my bag over my shoulder and picked my assault rifle, my only protection against the groups of raiders that roamed the lands. It had been modified that I wasn’t sure what the original model even looked like. After a few hours of walking and so far no encounters with any raiders I came upon a river. Surely irradiated and contaminated with who knows what. Then again so was most of the water that anyone could find. I was running low on water but I decided not to take any chances and walked on by. Slowly I was starting to regret not filling any of my bottles because I had finished off the last of my water and was starting to get very thirsty walking with the sun beating down on me. However I soon came to a small settlement who were happy to fill my bottles with the closest thing to purified water anyone could find in exchange for the usual bits and bobs I traded them. I was also able to find an old merchant sitting under a tarp who had a few rounds for my rifle. On my way out of the place I was also lucky enough to find a few giant rats wandering around in the wastelands. They aren't even enough of a threat for me to waste any of my bullets on so I clubbed a few to death. Giant rat meat isn't that bad when you haven't eaten in a day, although, it's even better cooked.
Nightfall came quickly and I desperately needed sleep. I found a cave that could be sufficient for my needs. Unfortunately, I was not the only one who thought so. Raiders. There was no bargaining with Raiders. No negotiating. They traveled in small groups usually of about 3 or 4. These were what you had to worry about in the wastelands. The real threat. I find it hard to believe they're even of the same species. Every last on of them is a cold hearted killer. They'll kill you without a second thought. Fortunately, I had the element of surprise. They hadn't noticed me entering. Quickly I tried to find the most efficient way of taking them all out. Explosives would work nicely here. From my bag I quietly removed a few hand made explosives. I never bought explosives from anyone. At times I also was even suspicious of the ammunition I purchased. As quietly as I could, I pulled my bandanna over my nose and mouth and lit the fuse with an old beat-up lighter. Just before the flame entered the inside of the rusty metal tube, I chucked it into where I believed to be the center of the room. Just in case I held my rifle at the ready. There was a loud bang, even worse because we were in a cave, and the air was thick with dust. When the dust had cleared my ears had stopped ringing and I pulled the cloth back down around my neck. Slowly I came out from behind the rock looking down the sights of my rifle and surveyed the room. Empty. I laid down against the cold, hard cave wall and fell asleep. I'd gone way too long without sleeping to even think about security.